Frequently asked questions

  • Healthcare providers use the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test to screen for cancer in the prostate gland. If a PSA result is abnormal, a doctor may refer you to a specialist or recommend a prostate MRI to look for cancer. Some people may then require a prostate biopsy, the standard procedure used to diagnose prostate cancer. 

  • Veterans are eligible to participate who: 

    • Are biological males between the ages of 55-69 

    • Have never had a prostate MRI or biopsy 

    • Have never been diagnosed with prostate cancer or have a known cancer-related genetic variant

    • Receive care at the VA 

  • If you agree to participate, you will complete the following steps:

    1. Provide a one-time saliva sample via a collection kit. This will be sent directly to your home with instructions. 

    2. Receive your genetic results and/or information about prostate cancer screening.

    3. Receive compensation for completing regular surveys for up to ten years. 

  • You may participate in this study from the convenience of your home. The research team will send you a DNA saliva collection kit and may contact you for brief surveys via phone, mail, or email. 

  • If you enroll, you will have a 50/50 chance of receiving a score based on your genetic make-up and family history. This score can help you predict your risk of prostate cancer. In rare cases, you may also receive single genetic results that significantly increase your risk of cancer.

  • This study will use your family health history and two kinds of genetic results to predict your risk of prostate cancer. The first genetic result will look for rare genetic mutations (or variants) that have been linked to hereditary prostate cancer (see Resources). The second kind is a polygenic score, a genetic test that adds up hundreds of genetic variants across your DNA to estimate your risk of developing prostate cancer. Based on your family history, rare genetic variants, and polygenic score, your risk of developing prostate cancer can be categorized as low, average, or high.   

  • You may start here on our website, call 833-607-5281, or email us at to let us know you’re interested.    

  • Yes. If you qualify for the study, you will receive compensation worth $25 for completing the first survey and providing the saliva sample. You will receive $25 after completing each additional survey. 

  • Knowing your genetic risks of prostate cancer might help you and your healthcare providers make better decisions about prostate cancer screening. Some genetic results may have implications for you and your blood relatives, which may cause emotional distress. A genetic counselor will be available to discuss your individual results. 

    • Information collected for this study will be kept confidential and secured by the Department of Veterans Affairs security standards. 

    • We have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality (CoC) from the US federal government to protect your privacy.  

    • Your DNA sample and personally identifying information (PII) will be sent to a VA-approved clinical laboratory for genetic testing.   

    • Genetic test results cannot be used to deny or reduce a Veteran’s service-connected benefits. 

    • Information from the study will be recorded in your VA medical record, including a copy of any genetic results you receive.  

    • Federal laws and policies such as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) provide you with protection from discrimination by health insurance companies, group health plans, and most employers. 

    • All survey data collected throughout the study will be stored in secured locations accessible only to authorized research personnel. 

    • The laboratory will destroy your DNA sample after the analysis is complete.  


If you have any questions, please contact ProGRESS by phone 833-607-5281 or by emailing  

If you have any questions about your rights as a study participant or would like to confirm this is a valid VA study, you may contact the VA Central Institutional Review Board (IRB) toll free at 877-254-3130.